Coalition of All Breed Rescue Arizona
Joining CABRA
Any rescue that agrees to abide by our Code of Ethics is eligible to join CABRA.
The benefits of joining CABRA are many:
Receive referrals from CABRA, increasing the visibility of your rescue.
CABRA as a whole speaks out for breed rescues in dealing with the Humane Society, Maricopa County Animal Care and Control, and various other government and animal welfare organizations.
Collectively, we have a much larger voice than each individual rescue.
You also can purchase microchips for your rescue at CABRA's reduced bulk rate.
These are just a few of the benefits of joining a great organization that respects the individuality of its members while effectively representing them as a whole.
Annual membership dues are $20 for Individual membership (one vote); $35 for Family or Organization membership (two votes); $10 for Associate (non-voting).
Dues go to support our microchip clinics, and to help support our members who have extraordinary rescue expenses. Only active rescues will be considered for voting status.
To join, fill out our membership application (click here to download a Membership Application in Word), sign the application and the Code of Ethics, and send it to us. To download a copy of CABRA's Bylaws, click here.
If you have questions about CABRA membership please contact:
Bill Ferrell - Treasurer
602-525-3313 / bkferrell@cox.net
Rebecca Kapp, CABRA President
623-931-1428 / arizonaweimaranerrescue@cox.net